Behind-the-Scenes Of A Compatibility Call

As a sales strategist and coach, I’m doing something a little different today. Quarterly enrollment inside of my Collective Program approaches soon, but I don’t allow just anyone into the program. I’m very protective of that space, so I have what I call “compatibility calls.” 

I’ve been there after investing and then finding the vibe is off, that it’s weird. That’s why I have these compatibility calls, so we can get to know each other beyond what I can read on your website.

In this episode, I give you a peek into what it’s like to get on a compatibility call with me and let you in on what happens so you can prepare for the experience.

1:07 - Why I don’t take just anyone into the program

2:35 - What you must do (and why) before you can schedule a call with me

3:28 - The two things I ask of you when you come on the call

5:15 - The step-by-step process of going through my compatibility call

10:05 - The response that signals you want to work with me and join the program

11:55 - If you feel the program isn’t right for you 

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Learn more about my Collective Program


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