Boosting Personal Capacity: Exploring the Energetic Facet for Leadership Success

In today's episode of Pleasurable Profits, we are continuing our conversation on increasing our personal capacity to lead effectively during challenging times. Last week, we explored the physical facet of our being, and this time, we are diving into the energetic facet. Now, I know some of you may be skeptical or unfamiliar with this concept, but I urge you to keep an open mind because it truly is a game-changer. We'll discuss the idea of energetic resonance and how our thoughts, emotions, and intentions emit and absorb energy. Just like music, our energy carries a frequency that can influence our interactions with the world and, most importantly, with our teammates. So get ready to learn how to be the thermostat, not the thermometer, and how to cultivate and manage your energetic resources. Stay tuned for some practical mindfulness techniques that will help you balance your energy and become a positive influence in your workplace. Let's get started!

00:00:39 Increase personal capacity through energetic resonance.

00:06:56 Control your energy; positively influence your team.

00:10:14 Nature walks bring peace and connection to God.

00:16:26 Maintain energy, sense others, create good environments.

00:19:10 Control your inner peace amidst chaos.

00:21:31 Invest in energetic intelligence, expand and thrive.

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Transcript “Boosting Personal Capacity: Exploring the Energetic Facet for Leadership Success


Hey, party people. It's Leslie. Hope you're doing well. I am doing great. Thanks for asking. Well, this week I am picking up with the conversation that we had last week about how we're going to increase our personal capacity so our ability to lead well during crazy times, so that we're not burnt out, so we're not stressed out, that we ain't going off on our husband because he asked us what we want for dinner. Child, we are going to be able to give ourselves peace on demand. And so last week, we talked about the five facets of our being.


And remember, we need to be resourced in all five of those areas if we truly want to increase our personal capacity. So last week we talked about our physical facet of our being, and this week I want to talk about our energetic facet of being. Now, if you're woo, this is for you. Like you already know, and you probably can add some things to this conversation, but for those of us who don't consider ourselves woo and we don't use more woo type approaches to business, like a lot of the executives who I work with, this could be, I would just say, have an open mind to it, because it is truly a real thing. So I want to talk a little bit about what I call what's a good way to say it energetic resonance. Let's say that. Okay. And so let's talk a little bit about what that is.


It's really the idea that we emit and absorb energy on various levels, kind of like musical notes harmonizing or clashing our thoughts and our emotions. Intentions have energetic frequencies that influence our interaction with the world and most importantly, with our teammates. Okay, so when we think about our energetic facet of being or energetic resonance, it's a bit like how music works. You know, how some sounds can make you feel happy and some sounds can make you feel sad or scared. Like when you're watching a scary movie and that music changes, it brings up an emotion in you. Well, what we're responding to is the frequency of that music. Well, our thoughts and our feelings are very similar to that. Like, we give off a frequency, aka energy.


I hope that makes sense. So imagine like, you feel really excited about a project that you're working on. Your energy is like an upbeat song plan. It's high energy. It makes you want to dance. You're smiling. You're giving off just good vibes. So when people use the term vibes, that's really what they're talking about.


That frequency, that underlying frequencies that's there. And so you come into work, you didn't had even a good sex. You didn't have some good food. You excited about this project. Your team can feel that energy, that high vibe, that frequency. And they're like, yes, that's what's up. She's in a good mood, right? And they respond to that like that happy energy, that frequency rises up in them, right? You have the ability to change their frequency with your happiness, with your excitement. I always tell leaders this, and this is something I learned when I was in like 6th or 7th grade.


My teacher always used to say, you are a thermostat, not a thermometer. And that meant we don't just take the temperature of the room, we have the ability to change the temperature in the room. And we do that through managing our energy. So your energy is high vibe is good, you're excited, your team members pick up on that. And just like when two musical notes sound good together, it's a vibe, it's a whole vibe. Well, the opposite is the case as well. If you in a bad attitude, you in a bad mood, you got a shitty attitude and you meet somebody who's cheerful, right? Like they upbeat. But your energy is off because you're the leader.


Your energy has more of an impact on the space than the person who was in a good mood. So your employee might be all high vibe that day, but you come in pissed off at traffic, a client cussed you out through email before you got there. And you, being the thermostat, have the ability to change the temperature in that space in a negative way as well. I remember one of the wake up calls I got that I was not leading so well was I would literally be coming into my studio and my staff would be there because I was habitually late for staff meet. You all, don't hold it against me, but I was always because this is when I was literally doing everything myself. I had not learned how to delegate. I had not hired a management level employee, so all of my staff were in teaching positions. And so it was always something that I had to do before I got to that meeting.


And I remember one day I walked into the space and I could hear my staff in the studio space on the other side of the wall just laughing and giggling and having a good time. And I was like, oh wow, they in a really good mood. I wasn't, but I was just like, noticed that they were in a really high vibe, good mood, laughing and giggling. And when I stepped into the studio, it was like all the air was sucked out of the room, okay? Because I had such a negative disposition and rightfully so. I shouldn't say rightfully so, understandably so, because I was under a lot of pressure, things that they didn't know anything about. I was trying to figure out how bills were going to get paid, how I was going to make payroll, real boss stuff, right? And I carried that weight around with me and they did not have any knowledge of that. But what they did experience was when I showed up, the energy in the room definitely changed. So I want you to be thinking about that frequency when you step into a space.


Does it liven up? Are people energized? Are they excited? Or does all the air leave out of the room? Because your team is looking to you as the leader to give them cues as to how excited they should be about the work that they do, the vision that they're working towards, the mission that they're working towards. They're looking to you as the leader for cues. So you have to control your energy. You have to get yourself in a place where you are a positive influence on your employees, on your team, if you want to call them higher. Another example of how you could be sucking the life or not managing energy, your energy well, and in turn impacting your team's energy. Don't ever I don't care how crazy a client or customer is, don't ever discuss those things with your teammates. Okay? I have walked in, and I've also counseled leaders on this, where it's like a client does something and it really pisses you off, or even they do something to your employee, and it really pisses you off. And you get into this conversation with your employees about how dumb that client was or how you can't stand that client or how that client makes your ass itch, and all of those types of things.


I want to caution you about speaking negatively about the people who pay you. Because what it sends a signal energetically to staff, especially immature staff, is that they can talk to their clients the way you talk about them. Because, see, you as the owner, you might have a better control over your energy you might have a better control over your emotions when you're dealing with a client. But employees don't have that. A lot of them don't. And so they're responding how you respond to clients. And the only way they know how you respond to clients is how you tell them you respond to clients because oftentimes they're not around to see it. So I want to caution you, that's another way to throw off the energy of your team, and you are absolutely responsible for keeping that energy high.


So I know you're probably sitting there thinking like, okay, I get it, I get it. I'm a thermostat, not a thermometer. I get it, I get it, I get it. But how do I cultivate these resources, Leslie? How do I balance and manage my energetic resources? Great question. The first thing we need to do is practice some mindfulness techniques. Yeah. Breath work, meditation, connecting with nature, things that even you out. One of the best things that I can do is my daily walk.


If I can take time out, and it doesn't have to be a hike through mountains and trails and all of that. If I can just start my day with a 30 minutes walk through my neighborhood, even so it doesn't have to be in a forest or anything like that. So if you live in a city, you don't have to go somewhere far away, but just somewhere where you can see nature, where you can look at trees, where you can look up at the sky, where you can feel the wind against your face. For me, it gives me a chance to talk to God. It gives me a chance to kind of settle my mind on. I'm a part of something much bigger than me. There's a peace that comes over me by recognizing that that this world is so much bigger than me. There's so much beauty to see, so much peace to be had.


And it really does minimize the thing that I might be worried about now. It doesn't take it away, but it puts it into perspective. And as a leader, you need desperately to keep things into perspective. For some people, I know it's going to the ocean, if you live on coast and are able to get to bodies of water, is looking out at the vastness of the ocean and seeing how big that is compared to the things that you're handling. There's some peace, there some grounding there that happens, some perspective shifting. So that would be my first recommendation, because I know you guys always hear me talk about breath work and meditation, and those things are powerful as well. But I also want to give people an option where maybe breath work or meditation isn't your thing. Maybe you're a person who needs to move energy through walking or dancing or what have you.


Something about getting out into nature is a game changer. So whatever it is that helps you feel centered and grounded, you must get in the practice of doing that. Now, other people go and actually have their energy manipulated. That's not something that I do, so I can't talk about that. But just a quick search for Reiki energy healing in Google could take you to some resources in regards to maybe having your energy worked on by a body worker or an energetic professional. That could be something as well. I have a couple of friends who see their Reiki person, like how I go to get massages. It's just general maintenance for them.


That might be an option for you as well. Now, the other thing that I want to talk about energy wise is, okay, so you recognize how your energy impacts other people. I also want to talk about energetic intelligence, meaning discerning the energy of other people. I know one of the things that we hear a lot, especially in corporate spaces, is about emotional intelligence, right? EQ. But I want to introduce the concept of energetic intelligence when it's kind of an example. Like when an employee comes to you and they're smiling, they're like, Good morning, things are great, but you just sense that something's off, right? Like, you just feel like something isn't right, even though they aren't telling you the truth. Or maybe they're not saying anything. Like, I remember just walking into employee space and just feeling like something's not right even though they're not talking.


That's what energetic intelligence allows you to do. You could tell when people are feeling angry. You could tell when someone's sad or frustrated, even when they don't say it out loud. You develop a sense for how people really feel by just looking at them or how they act. And when you can sense that something is going on with a team member, that is such a great opportunity for you to be a leader and to create intimacy, appropriate intimacy, vulnerability with your team. We've talked before about how vulnerability and intimacy is so vital to having strong team relationships. And the more that you can use your energetic intelligence, you create opportunities for that intimacy, that vulnerability, that closeness, that ability to relate to them by just bringing up something that they think they're hiding. You stop problems before they become blown out issues.


You're able to catch things when they're minor annoyances. Like if you're observing your front desk person working on reports and you can see that her energy is off, you just sense that it's low. You being the leader. You can bring it up and just state that that's my favorite thing is to be like, you know what, Susie? I noticed that when you're working on those TPS reports that your energy seems a little off. Are you okay with that? Is there something you want to tell me about this process? Is there something I could do to make this easier or support you? That just little noticing of how your employees are responding to the work that they're doing can make a world of difference. People want to know that you see them. People want to know that you care. And it's impossible to care for people in a genuine way, not a fake, manipulative way, without really seeing them.


So it's worth you getting your energy intact so that not only do you control your own energy, but you increase your ability to sense the energy of those around you so that you can pour into them in the way that they need to be poured into. That's what good work environments are all about. I think the worst thing in the world is when you're going through a tough time in your business, when revenue isn't where you want it to be or you guys just lost a big client or a project fell through, or you missed a deliverable. I think the worst thing ever that we can do is take a bad situation and make it worse by not responding with good energy, with not being able to look at a situation and turn it around energetically so that people can get refocused on, how do we make this right? As opposed to sitting in the defeat of the situation, your self care. You taking the time to develop practices. I talked about the nature practice, like getting out. How do you balance yourself? Will pay off a thousand times 1000%. In stressful situations, you'll be able to respond as opposed to react.


You'll be able to create peace in non peaceful situations. I'll end this by giving another example of the ability to cultivate practices that help you get peace in less than desirable situations. And this is going to seem trivial, but hopefully it'll drive home this point. So I was on a call with a client just the other day and we were talking about something that had a little bit of charge around it. And so I suggested that we do EFT. For those of you who know me, you know that I use EFT, which is emotional freedom technique, which is tapping to just kind of bring the charge down around this situation that she was feeling. And she was so irritated because she felt like she couldn't get into her body because the environment she was in, she was actually at home and the outside world was super noisy. Like, I think there was somebody doing construction, there was voices back and forth.


And she was like, I can't drop into my body right now because all of this noise that's going on around me and I literally encouraged her to seize that moment because that's when your energetic intelligence kicks in, when stuff is crazy and things are going on around you that you can't control. You have to be able to control your inner peace. I was like, So look at this. God has given us a prime opportunity to practice what I'm talking about. Can you tap into your internal resources when everything is going crazy around you? When you're able to master that, when you're able to say, I don't care what's going on around me, who's acting crazy, what noise is happening, what client did, whatever, when you could put those things to the side and say, I'm not going to let that steal my piece, that's when you know you've matured as a leader. If you are easily upset, if things easily take you off your game, I'm willing to bet it's because you don't have a self care practice. And that is the link to success in your business, especially during turbulent times. A well rested and balanced leader is always going to be more resilient, more adaptable, and ultimately more capable of inspiring your team.


If you need help with some of these tools and you're like, Leslie, I just don't even know where to start with this. I am doing EFT sessions, I think all of September. I'm planning to do it. I'm going to put a link for how you could book one and let me walk you through the process. It is beautiful when it's guided, but I also want to give you the tools that you don't need me to do it. And so if we go through around and I show you how to do it, this is the tool that will keep on giving. And I'm doing it at a pretty low price. Okay? It's going to be $77 for a 45 minutes session.


And that's a well worth it investment to walk away with a tool that will allow you to increase your energetic intelligence. So if you are like, man, I want to experience this. I want to see how this works. You need to go ahead and get on my schedule. The link will be in the show notes and in this email. All right, my love, hopefully I've encouraged you to think about how you're going to manage your energetic intelligence, how you're going to increase it, how you're going to grow it, because that is truly going to be your key to freedom in crazy ass times. All right, my loves, until next week. You have a great week.


I'll talk to you soon. Grace and peace.


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