Entrepreneurial Energetics and How You Can Use It to Increase Sales

The expression, “It’s not what you say; It’s how you say it” is so true in sales! The energy you bring into a sales call or conversation can make or break the deal. 

In this episode, I define what I call entrepreneurial energetics--your energy as it relates to selling--and the methods you can use to improve yours and increase sales.

4:39 - What entrepreneurial energetics is all about

6:41 - The three primary tools I use for entrepreneurial energetics in my coaching containers

7:31 - My favorite primary tool: what it is, how it works, and how I use it to help clients

9:45 - How you must approach the use of energetic techniques for business purposes

15:17 - The second energetic tool and how I use and share it with those in my programs

17:33 - Three points about the third tool and my process for walking others through it

Find me on Instagram or LinkedIn or email me at hello@lesliedlyons.com.

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Transcript for Entrepreneurial Energetics and How You Can Use It to Increase Sales

Hey boss, I am Leslie Lyons, your embodied leadership and sales coach, and this is Pleasurable Profits. This podcast is ideal for owners and leaders of tattoo shops, permanent makeup studios, cannabis businesses, movement studios, sex toy shops, and other industries that are too often left out of the leadership conversation. If you’re looking for a woo meets strategy approach to defining your strengths and values, designing a business that supports you, and creating a soul-driven, and of course, pleasurable plan for profitability, then let’s get started.

Hey, party people. It's Leslie, your embodied sales and leadership coach. How are you doing? I'm doing great. Thank you for asking. What's going on, party people ? This week, I am going to talk to you guys a little bit about your energy as it relates to selling. You've heard me say plenty of times before that sales is an energetic game. When I say that, what I really mean is that the energy that you bring to a sales conversation can make or break a deal.

Okay, stay with me. You've heard things said before, especially in heated situations like in arguments or whatever, people say, “Well, it's not what you said is how you said it.” That very much so comes to play inside of sales. Just think for a moment when you've been in a situation with someone who you didn't trust, it wasn't necessarily what was coming out of their mouth, it was the energy behind it, like something just didn't feel right in your body. It caused you to recoil. It caused you some type of angst or uncertainty, but you felt their energy even though the words that were coming out of their mouths was counter to the energy that you were feeling.

When you think about going into sales situations, know that the person sitting across from you, or on the other end of the phone, can absolutely feel your energy. What I always say, when I think about energy as it relates to the sales situation, is just like there can be toxic relationships in your life, you can also have toxic energy, and just like toxic relationships, toxic energy is anything that doesn't serve your highest good, that keeps you from showing up and saying the thing that you need to say in a meaningful, impactful way. Because the more trust that you can build, the more passionate that I can feel from you as a salesperson, the more that your income is going to grow. It just works like that.

One of the things that might be helpful as we go into talking about energy, I actually call it entrepreneurial energetics inside of my programs. There's a whole section that I provide you with tools to help you manage your energy, because it is my goal that you walk into every sales situation with clean energy, meaning you feel confident, you feel grounded, you feel prepared for the sales transaction, even when the stakes are really high, like it's a really big deal, or you're a little intimidated by the person who you're sitting across from or whatever it is that riles up your nerves, you’re just not used to advocating for your product or service, you get nervous when you're talking to other people, whatever it is that gets your nervous system all out of whack, what we focus on in entrepreneurial energetics, E2 for short, is really making sure that you can show up with the cleanest energy possible.

I always tell my clients, “You are not responsible for the outcome of a sales conversation. But I really want you to write this down. I want you to remember this, you have no control over if someone buys from you or not. The only thing you can control is the energy that you bring to the situation, the intentions that you bring to the situation.” This is the same on the leadership side of my business. You can't control how an employee is going to take what you say to them. All you can control is “Were my intentions, therefore my energy, clear? Were they good? Were they pure? Was my intent to do good and not to harm?”

If you really focus on being clean with your energy, it makes a world of difference. Enter entrepreneurial energetics. Inside of my containers, inside of those modules, we use a few different tools. But primarily, I use three that I want to talk about today. I use EFT, which is Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping. I use light breathwork and I also use a very special tool called the perception triangle.

I use the perception triangle, oftentimes in leadership situations, but now that I'm sitting here recording this episode, I totally could see how I can use the perception triangle to help you prepare for sales conversations too. See, that's the beauty of having a podcast, y’all. You get ideas even while you're talking.

Let's break each of them down. Let's start with EFT because that is my absolute favorite tool. I've talked about EFT in previous episodes, but really what EFT is, I always say think about it as acupressure for your soul. It runs along the same meridian points that when you go to get acupressure or acupuncture that they put the little needles into, there's this energetic meridian that runs through your body.

Some people even call it chakra. There are different names for it. But for me, I just call it energy. When you tap on these meridian points in your body, it takes the charge out of sales situations. A great way to think about this is for me, if I'm really charged up, meaning I'm really anxious, I'm really hyper, I'm really concerned, whatever it might be for you, whatever rises up for you around the sales situation, maybe I'm not super excited about talking to this person or whatever, I gotta charge around that conversation, meaning I've got a feeling.

We always start off an EFT session by rating that feeling, On a scale of 1 to 10, I say to clients, one means “I'm chill as a cucumber. I got this. I’m grounded, I'm rooted.” Let's go. Ten is like, “I'm absolutely panicking. I'm about to run out of this room. I could not make this sales call.” Where do you fall? Tapping it has been proven to be most effective when you're tapping on something when you're on that scale that you rate a six or higher, seven is even better. When you're really charged up, this is a great tool.

Not to say that you won't get any benefit if you're a two or three around an issue around anxiety or that brings up something in the sales conversation for you. I don't want you to believe that you wouldn't get any benefit, but it's just been proven that the higher the charge, the more effective tapping is to bring it down.

Now let me tell you something. When I first saw tapping, I was like, “This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. They're tapping on their foreheads, they’re tapping in their head. What are these people doing?” For a very long time, I know some of y'all out there because I know you're like me, especially if you're running successful businesses already, when I say woo things or when I see woo spiritual stuff, I start feeling some way about it.

Can I just tell you all the truth? Because that's all I can do is to tell you the truth. I feel some kind of way but I'm like, “Is this real? Is this something they make up in their mind? This sh*t probably don't work. Folks be out there with this type of stuff. I need real strategies that's going to grow my business.” But let me tell you what I found. I found that some of this woo stuff is snake oil, but some of this stuff that we call woo is very effective. You just have to pick out what works for you.

I'm not saying these entrepreneurial energetic tools are going to be successful for you. But I bet you that a couple of them will be. But you got to come into it with an open mind. You got to come into it with a feeling that I'm willing to try this to see if it makes a difference. Coming into things as a skeptic, we get confirmation bias. If we think it's not going to work, we then find evidence that convinces us that this was a waste of our time. That would be the first thing I would tell you as you approach these energetic tools, that you approach it with an open mind.

If I can do it as stubborn as I am and as skeptical as I am, trust me, you can too. Back to tapping. When you're tapping on these meridian points, what I love about it is that you can't do any type of spiritual or emotional bypassing with tapping because you start off tapping by stating the problem. Like you're stating what are you concerned about?

For example, in a sales situation, I could say, even though I'm really afraid that I'm not going to make the sale, I know I'm going to be okay. Even though I'm intimidated by this client, I deeply love and accept myself. Even though I really feel like I need this sale to hit my goal, I know that I'm going to be safe. Whatever it is that you want to say, what I love about that setup phrase, is what we call that, is that you're stating, you’re owning, “This is what I'm afraid of. This is what I'm fearful of, this is what I'm feeling.” You're being very honest with yourself.

That honesty opens up a gateway for you just to get all the stuff out. As you're tapping, I walk you through typically three to four rounds of it. The first round of it is just acknowledging how you feel. We start with the setup phrase and then we start to tap through the different meridian points. I'm saying things to you like let's pick something. Let's say that you're really nervous about you need to make the sale. This is a good one. You need this money. You got bills to pay you, got to eat, you got addicted to food, we’re addicted to eating, isn't that something like we need meals, and so we need money to buy food?

Maybe you put a lot of pressure on getting this deal and you're really worried that it doesn't go through. Once we acknowledge that in our setup phrase, I'll start to ask you things like “When you think about not getting this deal, how does it make you feel?” You might say, “Oh, I feel scared. I feel nervous. I feel concerned. I feel angry. I feel hopeless.” All the things, you just gotta get it all out. I'm going to keep asking you variations of questions that elicit more negative, for lack of a better term, negative feelings and emotions.

Because my point is I want you to purge, I want you to get it all out. Once I feel energetically in my body, because this is a two-way street, this is an energy exchange, I'm guiding you. I'm tuning into your energy as well. So you're concerned about your energy, but I'm playing off of it as well. When I feel like you've reached the place where the purge, you've gotten it all out, then we start to talk about what could be possible if you thought differently.

By tapping on those points around the positive things, it's like you're putting it into your body, you're reminding your body that you're safe, that you're going to be okay, that this is like mantras on steroids at that point, like it's in your body, you feel it. When you feel things in your body, you show up to selling situations differently. I could go on and on and on about tapping. But it is truly one of the biggest benefits I feel that, especially when I'm working with clients one-on-one, we probably always end a session doing some type of tapping because it's just so powerful to shift your energy. That's one energetic tool that I use.

The second energetic tool that I use is breathwork. I use breathwork because I actually am hypertensive. I don't do a whole lot of activating breathwork because there are contraindications for breathwork, but I primarily focus on centering breath and clearing breath. I don't do a whole lot of activating breathwork but I could depending upon the situations. I just wouldn't be doing it along with you but I could guide you through it.

When we're talking about entrepreneurial energetics, I use breathwork to clear some space, to bring you back into your body, to let you focus. Because a lot of times, you guys are busy running your studios, you’re busy running your shops. When you make time to get to a coaching call, a lot of times you're just running. You're running from one thing to that coaching call. I know it so I want you to give yourself the gift of presence and your breath is always with you.

Your breath always brings you back to center. Your breath can always bring you back home, no matter how hectic it is. Unlike EFT where people would be staring at you if you were on a train or public transit, and you tap in all over yourself, you might get put off the train. Your breath is always available to you. Having that tool and having power to access that tool is super important to me. We use different types of breathwork techniques, but the goal is to center and clear, get you focused.

I really love using it and when we're getting ready to go into some type of goal setting sessions, breathwork, because I'm like, “Leave that stuff out the door, let’s tap into your highest desires. Let's tap into your greatest intentions.” Your big vision, your big purpose, breathwork is a great gateway for that.

Or I'll use it if I see you're frazzled, just to be candid. If I see you're frazzled all over the place, I'm pulling some breathwork out. First tool, EFT, second, breathwork, third is the perception triangle. This one is really cool because you really got to get in your body to do this one. I'm going to do my best to describe it. But I might have to record a video and put it in the show notes or do another episode that I show it.

But really the point of the perception triangle is threefold. Well, not really threefold, but there are three points to it. Primarily, it is to get you to see something from another person's perspective. Sometimes we can't see the forest because of the trees, sometimes we're just too close to things to think objectively about it.

It's like I know, especially in emotionally charged situations, like a selling situation, you could be so focused, going back to the example of you need to make the sale because you got a financial goal, you could be so hell-bent and just so focused on making that sales goal that you don't even care about the customer's perspective. Or you could have an employee who's just pissed you off to the 20th heaven, and you can't see anything other than what they've done wrong.

When you have a limited myopic view of situations, we often don't make the best situation. As leaders and salespeople, we need the gift of height. We need the gift of distance from situations because the higher up you get, the wider out you go, the more you can see. This perception triangle gives you a tool to do that. There are three points on the triangle, obviously. Point one is your perspective. Point two is the perspective of the other person. Point three is an observation. If somebody who was just walking by and saw this conversation as a non-bias observer, what would they see?

What's really cool is we do these things standing up, like in your body. When we're going to do a perception triangle, you're going to come to that call, and I'm going to tell you to get three pillows, make sure you have enough space to move around. We're going to move through all these points around the situation that you have.

In point one, much like the setup phrase for EFT, there's the acknowledgement. Can y'all see I'm big on honesty? I believe that all change happens by being honest with yourself and being honest with God. That’s truly what I believe. That honesty is speaking about it, not suppressing it, not putting it down, getting it all out, unfiltered, not PC, get the stuff out, because the worst thing that can happen is you don't get it out and then it comes out in a critical situation with an employee when you're reprimanding them and you say something that you can't take back because you suppressed it and you blew up.

This is to keep you from blowing up. This is to keep you in control of your emotions. I know though, if you suppress it, it is bound to pop up on you. You you keep trying to push it down so let's just get the sh*t out.

Point one is just like “This is how I see the situation. These are the concerns I have,” and you're going to talk and get it all out. Well then we transition to position number two, and I literally have you shake off your position and jump to position number two. I really want you to get out of who you are and can you take on this other person's point of view?

Then you speak from that other person's point of view. What do you think? Why do you think they did that? Why do you think they said that? If you're using the perception triangle, that's if you're using the perception triangle for leadership situations. But if you're using it for a sales conversation, you're now in the customer's role, and what are they thinking about your product? What are they thinking about your service? What questions might they have? What's rising up for them? You really speak as they would speak.

Then the third position that you go to, which is the observer, really you take on the role of what did I see, you saying as the person speaking, and what did you see from the customer speaking? You're just observing the dialogue that you just had as well for those people and saying, “What nuggets can I pull out of this? If I didn't have any judgment towards what I was saying or what the other person was saying, what nuggets could I pull out of this?”

Then we go back to your position, your point of view, we take that data, and see if anything has shifted for you in terms of how you feel, but even how you want to approach the situation, whether it be “I got a better understanding of how my employee feels, so it’s increased empathy for me. I got an opportunity to see how my customer might be viewing my product or service, and maybe it's given me some additional language, and maybe some additional things that I need to bring up so that my customer will feel more confident in doing business with me,” but you walk away with a new perspective, because you've looked at other people's angles and perspectives on the situation.

Those are the three tools, energetic tools that I use, and the entrepreneurial energetic parts of my confidence and leadership programs. You're responsible for your energy, you can't be responsible for the results. But when you come to a sales situation with clean energy, your intentions to be in service by advocating for your products, you've taken the time to really regulate your nervous system, whether you get the deal or not, you can feel good about what you did. You can still feel like you serve that person today whether they purchase from you're not.

But here's the good news, when you come with that energy, you're going to get a lot more people purchasing because they're going to feel good, because you feel good about the interaction and people feed off of our energy. That's what entrepreneurial energetics is. It's all about making sure that you have clean energy. When you have clean energy, good sh*t happens.

All right, my love's. You guys know that my Unshakable Confidence, or maybe you don't know, maybe this is your first time here and if it is, welcome, but I have two products primarily that I offer. One is called Unshakeable Leadership and the other is Unshakeable Confidence. The container for Unshakable Confidence is open now. It's ongoing enrollment. I take two to three people into the program every month and the focus is helping you increase your confidence around selling, getting more confident in who you are as a person and the value you bring, just by breathing, the value you bring, then the value that your service brings to the world, and how to confidently show up and advocate for your service or product each and every time.

If you are struggling making sales calls, if you are struggling making marketing content, if you're struggling in sales meetings and getting sales, it's often not your competence, it's your confidence and I want to help you with that. If you're interested, you know where to find me, hello@lesliedlyons.com or hit me up on Instagram @lesliedlyons. Until next time, you be well. Be energetic. Be clean with that f*cking energy, y'all. I'll talk to you soon. Grace and peace.


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