Using the Emotional Freedom Technique to Increase Your Sales

I’m into both the woo and the strategy and combine them in my coaching style. A couple of years ago, I discovered tapping (a.k.a. Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT). And at first, I wasn’t into it, but now I consider it my favorite tool and a staple in my arsenal inside my coaching containers. So in this episode, I talk about tapping and how I use it in coaching to help you sell more.

3:06 - What EFT is and why I prefer it over mantras

4:31 - The first step to using the Emotional Freedom Technique

6:56 - Your objectives during the first and last rounds of tapping

7:42 - An example of how I coach through an EFT session

10:52 - What people can experience after a round of tapping

Want a quick, one-on-one EFT session with me? Get a 35-minute session for $111. Just DM me! You can find me on Instagram or email me at

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“EFT for Leaders-Q4 Concerns”

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Transcript of Using the Emotional Freedom Technique to Increase Your Sales

Hey, boss. It's Leslie, your six-figure sales coach. This podcast is created for central movement studio owners who are looking to scale their studios to multiple six figures, or maybe even seven figures. I'm going to share the good, bad, and the ugly of running a six-figure studio because we all know this business isn't all about booty shorts and stilettos. Let's get to today's episode.

Hey, party people. It’s Leslie, your embodied sales and leadership coach. I'm here for another episode. Oh, my goodness, right before I came on, out of nowhere a song popped in my head. Does that ever happen to, y'all? Come on, tell me the truth. It was, “No letting go, no holding back because you are my lady.” I don't even know the name of that song. But I think it's something about letting go that has something to do with the topic we're going to talk about today.

I hope you guys are doing well. I'm doing amazing. Thanks for asking. This episode is actually talking a little bit about my favorite tool that I use inside of my coaching containers, whether it's CEO Sales Confidence or if it's my year-long collective, this is a staple tool in my arsenal.

I want to talk a little bit about EFT aka tapping, what it is and how I use it in coaching to help you be able to sell more. That's really what it comes down to. If you guys don't know, I always consider myself to be woo-adjacent, but these days I'm really saying, “I'm woo but I'm about that strategy too.” It's like woo meets strategy is what my coaching and teaching style is like.

I was introduced to tapping a couple years ago. When I saw it, I got to be honest, y'all, I was like, “What the hell kind of stuff is this?” I was very resistant to it. If you find that you have some resistance to it, trust me, I understand you on a deep level because I felt the same way. But just like me, I hope you're willing to give it a shot.

Hopefully, if you're following me, at least if you're not woo or woo-adjacent, at least you're curious maybe, woo-curious. Because here's the truth, I don't do anything that I don't believe is real. I don't participate in it. I'm not interested. I'm also not interested in band-aids. I like real solutions so trust me, this is a real solution.

What is EFT? EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. What I absolutely love about it is first of all, it works with the meridian points in your body. If you're familiar with Chinese medicine at all, you know that that is the points in your body that they're working with. It's kind of like acupressure, even acupuncture they're putting the little pins on those meridian points in your body. Acupressure, they apply pressure to those points in your body. Well, I like to think of EFT as spiritual acupressure. It's putting some pressure on those spots so that you can release the pain that might be around it or the discomfort that are around those things.

We all know that our body holds our discomfort and so we want to release it. EFT helps us to do that. But what I loved about EFT, because I am not a big mantra person, I do some mantra work but not a whole lot because for me, that felt like, “Okay, I'm affirming things but I could be bypassing some emotion.” I could be doing some emotional bypassing like, “I don't want to deal with this so I'm going to speak well about that thing,” as opposed to dealing with that thing. For me, personally, that doesn't help me, especially when it comes to business things.

With tapping, what I absolutely love about it is when we start tapping, the first thing that we do is we acknowledge that there's a problem, we acknowledge that there's a concern, we acknowledge that there is some discomfort that we're feeling around this thing.

For example, most of the women who come to work with me have some discomfort about selling. They may say it in different ways like, “I'm uncomfortable putting myself out there on social media” or “I find it difficult to tell people my prices,” these are all very common things and things that I struggled with in the past as well.

The cool thing about it is as opposed to starting with the mantra that is “I am wealthy. I am wise. I'm that b*tch. I'm on the dime.” Oh my gosh, that was like the worst rap thing, what did I get on a dime from? Help me lord. I don't know. As opposed to just saying things like “I'm wealthy. I'm abundant. I'm juicy. I'm these things,” and your body knows you're lying, your body knows that you really don't believe the things that are coming out your mouth, the results are probably going to be none or very minimal.

I've found that your body likes honesty. It likes truth. If we start off by just admitting that we have some discomfort, some fear, some pain around selling, that's a first step. That's how you start with EFT. You start with what we call a setup phrase. A setup phrase is something like, “Even though I'm fearful of selling, I know I'll be okay.” It's really that simple. It's just a simple acknowledgement of a problem but you're quickly following it up with an affirmation that I will be okay.

I tell clients sometimes, “If saying I'll be okay doesn't feel authentic to you because, again, your body knows when you're lying to it, say ‘I'm open that this could work out or I deeply and completely love and accept myself.’ There are so many affirmations that you could add to the end of it but we want to pick one that feels right for you.”

Once you acknowledge it, it's super cool, we usually do about four to six rounds of tapping on all those meridian points. The first couple of times, it's really just about, I don't want to say purging but that's what comes up for me to be candid, but it's like you're just getting it all out, you're getting that sh*t all out of your system, you're saying exactly everything that you feel, you're putting it out there, you're not holding back those first two rounds.

Then the final rounds, we go and we put in our positive affirmations, the things that we want, the things that we believe can be different, the opportunities that are out there in front of us. Typically, when you start, we only tap on things that are really emotionally charged. At the start of it, I would ask you as my client, it's simply like, “Okay, what's your biggest fear about selling? What's your biggest apprehension about selling? What's your biggest hang-up about selling? Why don't you want to sell?” I'll ask a version of that question.

Then you'll tell me, it might be that you don't want to be pushy, that's a common one that I hear. That you feel like if you ask people for money, people will think that you are trying to manipulate them or that you're dishonest in some kind of way.

Then I would ask you on a scale of one to ten, one being this is so easy, I don't even know why I brought it up for you, this doesn't really bother me, ten being I'm an absolute panic about this, where would you rate yourself? We only want to tap on things where there's an emotional charge of six or above. You would want to tap on it if it's really high for you, if this is emotionally bothering you, if you would rate it, on that scale of one to ten, a six, seven, eight, nine, tapping can help you.

It's super important that when you go through this, you take note of how you feel. Remember, this is all about acknowledgement as well. This is all about dealing with reality. Literally, if you tell me, “I'm an eight,” we're going to write that down before we start our tapping session. We start our tapping session by that setup phrase that I talked about earlier and it's while you're tapping on the side of your hand.

After we say our setup phrase three times, we start to tap through the meridian points. I'm just going to go through them with you right now. It's the top of your head, kind of like where a baby has a soft spot, that's where it is, you want to get there. It's the inside of your eyebrows so by the bridge of your nose, then it's the outside of your eyebrows right by your temples. It's below your eyes, so where your tear ducts would be.

It's below your nose above your lip. It's above your chin. It's your collarbone, the side where if you had a bra on, the sides where the bra strap would be, would be the next part of it. Then you go back to the top of your head. Side of hand, top of head, inner eyebrow, outer eyebrow, under the eyes, under the nose, above the chin, collarbone, side of your rib cage, those are the points.

As you're tapping on these points, you will literally feel a release in your body. How do we know? Because remember I said at the start, I ask you to rate yourself? At the end, I'm going to ask you to take some deep breaths and acknowledge how you feel now. It is amazing the drop in the levels of discomfort for some people.

Some people can drop three points, like go from an eight to a five. I've had people go from a nine to a two. It's significant what the acknowledgement of what's going on and just getting it out there and then speaking some kind, loving, supportive words to yourself, it's amazing what it can do for your emotional health. It's amazing what it can do for you when it comes time for you to step up and do the things that you need to do in your business.

You owe it to yourself. I have a whole tool, I call this part of my work entrepreneurial energetics. Because at the end of the day, the most important thing you have is your ability to vision, to think, to strategize, and to make decisions. When we've got a lot of emotional baggage and spiritual baggage that's blocking us up, it becomes difficult to do that.

We all have it. None of us have arrived where we don't have that type of stress, anxiety, discomfort, or blockages in our life. Some of us just have tools and EFT is one of those tools. It's absolutely amazing. I am actually going to include a link in the show notes to an EFT session that I did on YouTube. I only did one. I should probably do some more, but you can't do it all, child, you can't do it all.

I got a whole roster full of coaching clients. I'm planning a retreat. I got so much stuff going on but I do have this one, and I believe if I'm not mistaken, it was an EFT session around concerns about going into quarter two of this year. If you want to see it in action and try it, and all you have to do is not bring concerns for quarter two, bring your concerns about going into August and try it, let me know how it goes. Email me at or hit me up on IG @lesliedlyons if you want to try it. If you tried it, how did it go for you? Let me know.

I also do these one-on-one. If you're interested in just doing a session, I charge $111 for a session. It's a 35-minute session. It's quick, it's effective, and it can really help you move some sh*t. If you want to, DM me, say, “Girl, I need that EFT.” That's what you need to put in my DM, “Girl,” however you spell girl, “I need that EFT session for $111.”

All right, my loves. Hopefully, this gives you some ideas about the tools that I use with my clients that help them get massive results in their business. I'd love to help you do the same. All right, my loves, until next time. Grace and peace.


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