Unleashing Your Spiritual Power: The Hidden Key to Entrepreneurial Success

Welcome back to Pleasurable Profits, the podcast that dives deep into the unconventional facets of entrepreneurship. I'm your host, Leslie Lyons, and today's episode is all about the spiritual facet of being a thriving entrepreneur. Get ready to explore our inner sense of purpose, our connection to something greater than ourselves, and the search for deeper meaning in life. We'll discuss how spirituality doesn't have to be tied to any particular religious belief but rather includes personal values, inner growth, mindfulness, and feeling connected to the world around us.

Discover the supernatural elements at play in our lives and learn how they can impact our businesses and overall well-being. Join me as we explore the power of aligning our work with our spiritual purpose, finding motivation during challenging times, and infusing our passions into our business strategies.

Get ready for an enlightening episode of Pleasurable Profits. Let's dive in!

[00:02:55] Supernatural forces impact life; learn and evolve.

[00:06:54] Learning from difficult customers fuels personal growth.

[00:09:21] Aligning passions with business strategy for impact.

[00:11:33] Money: a tool, not a goal; satisfaction in alignment with values.

Find me on Instagram or LinkedIn or email me at hello@lesliedlyons.com.

As Mentioned In The Podcast

Unshakeable Leadership

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Find Your Sales Superpower

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Transcript “Unleashing Your Spiritual Power: The Hidden Key to Entrepreneurial Success


Hey, boss. I am Leslie Lyons, your embodied leadership and sales coach, and this is Pleasurable Profits. This podcast is ideal for owners and leaders of tattoo shops, cannabis businesses, movement studios, sex toy shops, and other industries too often left out of the leadership conversation. If you're looking for no BS approach to defining your strengths and values, designing a business that supports you, and creating a soul driven and of course, a pleasurable plan for profitability, then let's get started. Hey party people. Hope you are doing well. I'm doing amazing. Thank you for asking.


I am back. This weekend, we are wrapping up our five facets of our being. I should say the five facets of our being. What makes us thrive as entrepreneurs? How do we engage our whole selves in this process of getting a bag, in this process of making money? All right, so we're jumping right into this last facet, which is our spiritual facet. Now, our spiritual facet of being is basically in simple terms, it refers to our inner sense of purpose, our connection to something greater than ourselves, and the search for deeper meaning in life as a whole. So not just business, but deeper meaning in your life. It's about finding inspiration and a sense of belonging in the universe. And guess what? It doesn't have to be tied to any particular religious belief, y'all.


Instead, it can include your personal values, which we talk a lot about on this podcast, inner growth, mindfulness, and just a feeling of being connected to the world and the people around us. It's a source of guidance and motivation that goes beyond the everyday. Your spiritual facet is really helping us, really to find meaning and direction in our lives. Now, look, I always tell new entrepreneurs that you may not have ever considered yourself a spiritual person before, okay? But entrepreneurship is going to make you seek something. You will quickly learn that entrepreneurship is truly the best course in self development you will ever take. Now, full disclosure, y'all, if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, you already know I'm a Christian. But I do my best not to proselytize. So I'm just going to say it this way.


There is something supernatural at play in all of our lives, okay? And you be wise to recognize it if you want to have some peace and some space in your business and in your life. There is something supernatural at play in our world that is impacting you whether you acknowledge it or not. So, for example, here's an example from my own life, okay? I believe that there are spirits wrapped in human flesh that come to teach us lessons. And until you learn and exhibit competence in that lesson, that spirit will continue to show up. So it's not enough to learn a lesson, okay? It's not enough to just know a lesson. But until you can show that you've mastered the lesson that you understand it. You comprehend it, and you know how to change your actions because of it. That's when you've passed the test.


And until you pass the test, that spirit is going to continue to come back. Same spirit, just a different person. Okay? So, for example, there was this time where in my business and in my life that I didn't deal well with what I call whiny people. People always cry and complain nonstop. They got to complain about this. They're like the walking human version of Eeyore. They're down all the time. There's always something to criticize.


Nothing's ever going well for them. And as opposed to trying to put something in place to make things better, they tend to just want to whine about it, right? Those people make my butt itch. They always have. And you know what? I was the queen of just canceling somebody's contract. If they got on my nerves with their incessant whining, I was just like, you know what? This irritates me. This is my business. I'm going to end this today. I'm canceling your contract because I just ain't got the energetic capacity to deal with your incessant whining, right? And that's what I would do.


I would just cancel that contract. And I was like, yeah, I know it cost me money, but baby are dirty. We out. Bye. See you later. Have a good day. But you know what I found? You know what I found? That as soon as I could get rid of one of them, another one took their place. As soon as I got rid of one whiner, another one came through the door.


And it wasn't until I was like, you know what? God, okay, what gives? What are you trying to teach me? Because obviously I can't seem to get rid of this person. Like, they just keep coming back. And what I learned was that the Lord was trying to teach me empathy because I just had a tough time sitting with people and really getting into their story to understand why they cried and complained so much. And when I was able to make that switch, when I was able to show empathy, it suddenly didn't bother me anymore. And you know what else? It made me able to be of better service to that client. And guess what? That went away. And not that people stopped whining. It was really more so my response changed.


And in my response, changing to those people, meaning I had learned the lesson, I was able to move forward. So I wonder if you can think of any customer who were put in your life to teach you a growth lesson. Is there any customer right now the one that make the hair on your behind stand up? The one that make your right butt cheek itch? I wonder if they are there to teach you a lesson. So point number one, being in touch with your spiritual facet will help you grow emotionally. Okay? So the second benefit of being in touch with your spiritual facet is it gives you a sense of purpose. You know, the spiritual facet often prompts entrepreneurs to align our business endeavors with our passions and inner calling. When your work resonates with your spiritual purpose, you're more likely to stay motivated and committed even during challenging times. I always tell my clients, this is bigger than Nino Brown.


The work you're doing is bigger than you. And the more that you can connect the work that you're doing to the larger purpose of our world, the more satisfied you will be, the more content you will be. And it won't have anything to do with how much money you're making or not making. You will be able to persevere because you know that the work you do matters. So as a small business owner, I truly believe you are uniquely positioned to create the type of world that you want to live in. And unlike in traditional corporate positions where you have to go along with their plan, right, you're going along with their values, the things that they care about. Whether you care about it or not, you just want to make sure that direct deposit hit on Friday. In a small business, we have the honor, it's truly an honor to infuse and support the things that you truly care about.


Infusing that into your business strategy, how your business shows up in this commercial landscape. So, for example, for me, I have a domestic violence past, if you will. I was in a domestic violence relationship and because I was graciously saved from that toxic relationship, it lit a fire under me, y'all? It's why I'm so passionate about helping women access their power, own their voice. It was birthed out of a place of pain for me. And I see my business as a vehicle to make sure that women don't get trapped in those types of situations. The way I felt, I was so there's me taking pain and aligning it with purpose and my business being the vehicle to serve that up. So I ask you, what do you care about deeply? Is there a way that you can infuse that thing into your business? Maybe for you it's not a domestic violence situation, but maybe you care about homeless puppies. Yeah.


And so maybe you give a percentage of your profits every year to organizations that support those efforts, help little puppies get off the street and get into homes, right? You have the unique opportunity to do that. But here's what I can guarantee you. Whatever the thing is that you care about, if you can find a way to infuse it in your business, it's really you infusing your higher purpose into your business strategy. It's going to provide motivation for you to keep going even when shit gets rocky. When I meet small business owners and they tell me they're burnt out, like they're just at their wits end, and they really can't do anything else, and they're just so dissatisfied with their business. I would say 99% of the time, it's because they only see their business as a vehicle to make money. Now, you all know I'm all about making money. Okay? I'm like money.


Answer of all things child. I believe that if we need to make money, not only to take care of ourselves, but also to make change that you want to see, to help others, however you view money as a tool. I believe that we need to make money, but money is a terrible master, and it's also a terrible goal, because if you're just chasing dollars, you will never have a business that's in alignment with who you are and what you care about. You will always be frustrated, because money isn't meant to satisfy. Money is the exchange that you get for doing dope shit. Money is the exchange that you get for putting out great things. Money is a terrible master. And so if you want to put yourself in a prison, start making your business just about money.


And I would say it's nothing wrong to want to make money. But if you don't see a purpose in your business, just go get a regular job. Y'all, if you haven't noticed, our economy is in desperate need of qualified people. Go get a regular job. You'll have a lot more peace and a lot more space in your life. Because to be an entrepreneur, to be a small business owner, is an emotional lift. It's a spiritual lift, it's a physical lift, it's a mental lift. All the things we've been talking about for this last month.


But if you know that this business was birthed in the deep recesses of your soul, you know that your business is a gift and a vehicle for not only your flourishing, but our world's flourishing. Make sure that you line up with that. You'll be so much happier, so much more resilient in your business, because you're actually doing something that matters. Tap into that spiritual side of your business. Ask your business, what are you here to birth? I'd love to hear from you. Tell me, what is your business here to birth? Find me on. IG Leslie d. Lyons.


Hit me in my inbox. And until next week, y'all. Y'all have a great week. Be well. Grace and peace.


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