The Entrepreneurial Energetic Tool That Helped Change the State of My Business

Want to make better business decisions? Calming down your nervous system and getting into a more euphoric state will get you into that space. There’s a specific tool I use in the entrepreneurial energetic section of my four-part business framework that helps with this too. So today, I talk about what that tool is and how to use it.

4:58 - Why I changed my mind on using tools like these to help me

8:05 - Are you really chasing a revenue goal, or something else?

10:27 - What I say to people who think they have trouble with visualizing

11:33 - How this tool is like visualization on steroids

13:10 - How I’d get into the emotional state of security in preparation for using this tool

18:01 - How to use the tool once you’ve amplified the feeling you want

20:10 - An example of the power of this tool in my business

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As Mentioned In The Entrepreneurial Energetic Tool That Helped Change the State of My Business

Unshakeable Sales Confidence waitlist

Episode 57: “Entrepreneurial Energetics and How You Can Use It to Increase Sales”

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Transcript for The Entrepreneurial Energetic Tool That Helped Change the State of My Business

Hey boss, I am Leslie Lyons, your embodied leadership and sales coach, and this is Pleasurable Profits. This podcast is ideal for owners and leaders of tattoo shops, permanent makeup studios, cannabis businesses, movement studios, sex toy shops, and other industries that are too often left out of the leadership conversation. If you’re looking for a woo meets strategy approach to defining your strengths and values, designing a business that supports you, and creating a soul-driven, and of course, pleasurable plan for profitability, then let’s get started.

Hey boss, the moment you've been waiting for, I am opening the waitlist to my Unshakable Sales Confidence Program. It's time for you to learn how to advocate for your work so you can get paid what you deserve. Look, I'm going to help you to dismantle any misconceptions and dismantle any nasty narratives that you have around selling.

I'm going to give you the tools that you need to confidently harness and stand in your unique selling style. Some of these tools are going to be woo. I'm going to give you a heads-up now. But you know I don't play around. It's going to be chock full of strategy so that you can go out and confidently ask for the sale so that you can make more money.

It’s going to feel good. That is why I sell so easily because I only sell things that feel good to me and play into my strengths. When you know what your selling strengths are, and we combine that with the power of coming up with great selling stories, you will be unstoppable. If you know you need some help in this area, if you know that you are hesitant to pick up the phone, you're wanting to be more confident in sales conversations, this is the program for you.

You can get more info. The link will be in the show notes but it's All right, my loves, let's jump into today's episode and I will talk to you soon. 

Hey, party people. It's Leslie, your embodied sales and leadership coach, and we're here with Episode 61. Can y'all believe, I've done 61 episodes? I'm proud of myself. Y'all should be proud of your girl. I have been consistent as AF as the kids would say. How are you all doing? Are you really busy? I know I'm feeling like this is the time of the year that I start to wind down. This is when I start to pull back a little bit but I'm just wondering if this is when you crank it up.

Because I remember being in traditional sales roles and like Q4 was like, “You do it. You hit it. Let's close the year strong.” I'm in a position where I've exceeded my revenue goal a couple of months ago for the year. It allows me to chill these next couple of months. That doesn't mean I'm not going to do anything because I want to set myself up for a strong 2023. But I am honoring the fact that I like to take the end of the year to hibernate in winter. I hibernate just like a little bear. I'm just wondering if that's the same for you or not. Hit me up. Let me know. I'm always curious. Do you hibernate or do you ramp it up? What do you do?

Today on the 61st episode, we're going to talk about a tool that I use in my entrepreneurial energetic section of my framework. What I do, I put this under the pleasure part of my framework. For those of you new to my work, I do have a framework that I walk people through when they are working with me. It's a four-part framework and I call it the four Ps of the Embodied Sales Framework.

The first P is pleasure. The second P is personality, the third P is positioning. The fourth P of course is profit, hence the name of this podcast, Pleasurable Profits. I've got to put my entrepreneurial energetics up under that first P. Pleasure, these are things that literally calm your nervous system and put you in more of a euphoric state. It puts you in a calmer, more peaceful state of being so that you can have some clarity around what you're trying to achieve.

This is when the woo comes into my strategic plan. Today's tool, give it a chance, think about it. I used to be the same way. I told you guys this before. If you want to hear more about all of the tools that I use in my entrepreneurial energetic section, you can go back to Episode 57 where I go into more detail about it. But I used to think this sh*t was complete b*llsh*t. Honestly, I am a person who is a thinker, but I'm also more of a gut instinct type of person. A lot of my decisions are made by what I feel is right at the moment.

A lot of these woo people and woo strategies, I just used to think that this was completely just goofy. It didn't sit well in my body. What I came to find is that it didn't sit well in my body because of trauma. A lot of what I felt was my gut was really trauma. These tools were introduced to me by a therapist. Some of them were. Others of them were introduced to me by other spiritual teachers.

But anywho, if you're thinking like “This doesn't make any sense, and I'm not interested,” I'm just asking you to stick with me. Hear me out. Let me plead my kicks. One of the things too, that I think we should think about and I hear this a lot when I'm working with new clients, is the fact that they feel like they don't have the ability to visualize. They feel like visualization is an exercise in futility. “I don't have time to be sitting around daydreaming,” I felt that way too.

It's like “I need goals, I need plans. I need to know how to get there.” But I never really took the time, I used to then take the time to really just sit, envision, and allow myself to feel what it would feel like when I achieve those goals. Because what I learned throughout my journey to where I am—and I still have a ways to go. I'm always learning more about my mind, how I think, and how to regulate my nervous system so that I can actually handle the wealth that's coming into my life—because you guys know I've said before, if you've listened to me for any point in time, you know I've come from a poor background.

I don't come from a bunch of money so I didn't have people talking to me about how to handle money. I didn't know how much of an impact that was going to have on my mental and emotional well being. Of course, obviously in your life you're like, “Yeah, you've heard more money, more problems,” or I mean, there will be some changes there, but I didn't realize how much of an emotional change that would be. I had to go through a process where I really just felt like, “Man, I need to get more comfortable around having money.” That's just the truth. That's just the only way I know how to say it, and be honest about it.

These tools really helped me and I know one of the tools that I used to shy away from when I was in hustle mode, when I was chasing that dollar, when I was on my Diddy grind, Puff Daddy, for those of you who don't know who Diddy is, when I had that energy and all I did was drink coffee and play rap music. Yeah, I literally was like, “No, I gotta goal and I gotta hustle to get there.” Yeah, I thought about some of the things that I wanted to do, but I never really just took the time to sit and be like, “What am I chasing?”

I want you to ask yourself that too. What are you chasing? A lot of us think we're trying to get revenue goals, like you're chasing a certain amount of money. It might be half a mil for you. It might be a mil for you. It might be $10 million for you. But you think you're chasing that goal, or you think you're chasing retirement, “I want a million dollars when I retire, I want to leave x amount of dollars for my grandkids, or I want to move to Florida,” whatever it is, you might be feeling like you're chasing that goal. But you know what I learned? I learned that I was actually chasing a feeling.

For example, let me make it really plain, me making a certain amount of money, for me it was $500,000. When I got to $500,000, I felt like I would be able to just pull back, breathe easier. The feeling that I was chasing was security. The feeling I was chasing was peace. It wasn't about the $500,000, it was really that this would give me a sense of peace. It would give me a sense of calm. That was the number that I was chasing.

But once I came to realize that it's really not about the number and that I could have peace no matter what my revenue number was, that's where I really got free. When I got free, my income started to soar. I want to invite you today to step away from the chase. Step away from the actual number. I'm not saying the numbers don't matter, but what I'm saying is let's start focusing on what you're feeling. Because as we talk about today's entrepreneurial energetic tool, it's going to really be talking about and helping you focus on the feeling that you're going after.

Visualizations, I know some of you think it is a daydream. You're like, “I just can't visualize because it just feels so silly,” I've heard that so many times. What I always tell people when they tell me that they have trouble visualizing, I'm like, “But you sure in the hell don't have any problems worrying?” Do you know that worrying is a form of visualization? You are inviting and visualizing every d*mn thing that could go wrong in your business. You're visualizing. You're just putting your affections on the wrong thing.

I want us to redirect, so stop saying you can't visualize, because if you worry, you're visualizing, so you can visualize, it's just going to take some time for you to reroute to visualize on the right things. Enter this week's tool. It's called anchoring. I say anchoring is visualization on steroids. Because you can do visualization to vision boards, which is what most people think about. They sit and they think about and you cut up magazines and all that stuff. I have never been Practice Sally so I've never done that sh*t. I know some of y'all got really cute Pinterest boards and all of those things, but that just ain't never been my bag.

But sitting down with an anchoring tool has made visualizing my future much easier. Anchoring, what's cool about it is remember when I talked about chasing a feeling, another way that we could say that would be you're trying to get yourself to a specific state, so a state of peace, for example. It's a psychological or an emotional state.

Or maybe even a behavioral state like “Okay, I can just bring myself peace on demand. That sense of security, I can remind myself that I'm safe. I'm grounded and I have everything I need at that moment.” Anchoring really takes visions that you have and puts some teeth into it.

When you're trying to anchor a state, because remember, it's the state that we're going after, it's the state that's going to help you achieve the goal that you're going after, it's that being in that emotional state that's going to give you the capacity to bring that visualization to pass. The first thing that we do is we recall a specific instance where you really embodied the essence of that emotional state.

For me, let's use security. I would think number one is I'm going to recall, like think back to a time where I felt really secure in my life. When did I feel the most secure, like when I wasn't worried about anything, when I felt like I was stable? Could I recall that time? So I would really walk you through this process because sometimes I know it's easier when I have someone do it for me as opposed to me trying to do it myself, which is why I have my Unshakable Confidence Program, especially when you're just first trying to learn it, to be able to have someone talk you through it is very valuable.

I'm walking you through that state. I recall a time in my life where I felt very secure. For me, that was back in the early 2000s. I would say it was probably about 2004, 2005, I had really gotten to a rhythm of making a pretty high six-figure salary. I had gotten past the phase of “This was a fluke, is this real?” and had really settled into making that amount of income.

I remember having money in the bank. I remember not having to worry about bills. I remember that was the year that I put all my bills on autopay. That was the big girl move. Because up until that point, I was terrified to have money just coming out of my account automatically with me not having control over where that money came out. I was fearful that there wouldn't be enough money when the cell phone bill came in.

I just remember looking at my bank account one day and not seeing overdraft fees, and actually seeing a surplus of money after all my bills had came out automatically, and at that moment, I really felt secure. Recalling that, that's the first step, really picturing it, where was I, those sorts of things, is what goes into the next step.

When you're sitting there thinking about it, I would encourage you to go deeper and be like, “Where was I when I opened up my bank account statement?” I was in my kitchen at a real breakfast snuck. I remember looking at a paper statement, it wasn't on an app, the statement had just come through the mail. I remember that it was breakfast time and so I could even smell the bacon and taste the coffee.

One of the things that when we're trying to anchor something in, we heighten the sensual parts of things. Engaging your five senses. Can you remember what you smelled? Can you remember what you tasted and what you saw? Can you see yourself sitting at that breakfast snuck? Eating that bacon and drinking my coffee, can you do that? The better you are in immersing yourself in that recall and that memory, the more heightened the visualization becomes for you, the anchor is going to be.

What we do is we really get you into it. I really try to walk myself to the point of security, like when did it hit me? How did it feel in my body? My eyes are closed guys while I'm doing this right now because I'm literally installing that anchor again while I'm talking to you. I remember how soft my face was. I remember that I just felt loose, I didn't feel tightness in my shoulders and in my neck, which is where I carry a lot of my stress.

I felt grateful, I felt open, abundant. I remember I wanted to cry. I can feel that rolling up for me now. The more that you can heighten the emotion of that is like building into it, once you've got it, then I'm going to ask you to take that emotion in your mind's eye a couple more notches.

Once you got it and you've amplified the vision, that's when we install the anchor. The anchor is something that you do so it's a specific stimulus at the peak of the feeling. If it's the security, while I'm there, I feel it, I'm now going to install the anchor. It's a specific stimulus. For some people they pull on their ear. For other people they might grab their wrist, for other people they tap their face.

It's important that it's something that's subtle, because when you want to enact that state again, it might be you're in the middle of a grocery store and you need to feel secure because you don't feel safe. Something's triggered you. You want to be able to just enact it without people being like, “What the hell is she doing. She's dancing around in circles?” so you don't want your anchor to be dancing. You want it to be something that's subtle is what my suggestion would be.

For me it's to pull my right earlobe. When I'm at the height of that vision, I feel it in my body, all of my senses are really engaged, I've kicked it up a notch, I grab my earlobe to remind me, I anchor it in. Once it's anchored in, I interrupt it. I bring myself back by thinking about what I'm going to cook tonight or putting laundry in. It sounds really random, but the point is to throw your state off. So you've anchored, you've gotten really solid in your state, now we want to throw it off. We want to make you come up out of it abruptly because that's how life works. Sh*t interrupts us, things pull us out of things abruptly.

Then we talk about something else so that your mind is off of it. You're no longer in the vision. Then this is how we know if the anchor really took is I'm like, “Okay, now that I've talked to you about doing your laundry, let's see if you can get back to that state of security, if you can get back to that state of peace, if you can get back to that state of joy, if you can get back to the state of happiness, whatever you chose by pulling on your anchor.”

Evoking your anchor, can I pull it back in? I pull my ear and can I feel that same sensation in my body? Do I feel my shoulders relaxed, my neck relaxed? Do I feel the openness in my chest and throat? Do I feel the very same things that I felt when I was deep into visualization? Remember I said that when I was chasing the $500,000 goal, I was really chasing the feeling of security. The thing that unlocked more income for me was when I decided that I could be secure no matter what income I was making.

Being in that state made it more possible for me to make more money. I can evoke the state of security anytime I want. It feels like magic. But, man, what would it be like to get peace on demand? What would it be like to be able to experience joy on demand? That's the power of an anchor.

If you're curious about more stuff like this, you need to run, not walk, or maybe do a sexy sachet quickly. Go over to and get yourself on our waitlist for my Unshakable Confidence Program. You know I open it up every so often and those people who are on the waitlist get priority enrollment because I only onboard two to three people at a time. If you're interested, get on the waitlist, and if you have questions, you know where to find me, Leslie D Lyons on Instagram or email me at hello@lesliedlyons. Until the next time. Be great. I'll talk to you soon. Grace and peace.

Thank you for listening to today's episode. I just want to remind you that I've opened the waitlist for my Unshakable Sales Confidence Program. Head on over to If you know that you need some support around selling, specifically around mustering up the confidence to go after the money you deserve, this program is going to be for you. Jump on the list now. People who get on the list early will get access to special pricing and bonuses when I open the doors. Head on over to and I will see you next week. Grace and peace.


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